14 Surprising Causes of Dehydration

Hate it when something leaves you dehydrated? Know the causes of dehydration and stay away from them.

Meenakshi Chaudhary
Written by:Meenakshi ChaudharyPublished at: Jun 11, 2014



The loss of significant amount of fluids along with essential salts and minerals from the body leads to dehydration. People who struggle with excessive sweat during the summer are at higher risk of suffering from dehydration than others. Here are the top 14 reasons why you may be dehydrated. Image Courtesy: Getty

Drinking Less Water

Drinking Less Water

One of the most common reasons behind dehydration is the lack of fluids in the body. Not drinking enough water leads to dehydration. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day to avoid dehydration. Image Courtesy: Getty



Since drinking alcohol eventually makes you pee more than normal, it lowers your body's hydration levels. It is easy to drink past your normal limits and this can be as deterimental to health as not drinking enough water. Avoid drinking too much, especially during hot summers, to avoid possible dehydration. Image Courtesy: Getty



Diuretics are substances or foods that increase urine production, which in turn results in loss of fluids from the body. Beverages like coffee, cola and chocolate are some common diuretics. Avoiding diuretics when you are unable to drink lot of fluids can help you to avoid dehydration. Image Courtesy: Getty



Your body speeds up breathing and increases the urine output to adjust to higher altitudes. Although, it's natural and necessary at high altitudes, too much peeing and releasing too many vapours during panting can easily lead to dehydration. Image Courtesy: Getty

Spicy Foods

Spicy Foods

Spicy foods are not only known to cause health problems like acidity and heart burn, but they are also said to increase the internal body temperature, thereby resulting in loss of body fluids. Avoid gorging on spicy foods to keep dehydration at bay. Image Courtesy: Getty

Certain Medications

Certain Medications

Many medications act as diuretics, increasing the urine output and thus also the risk of dehydration. Blood pressure medications are one of the most common medications that may cause dehydration. If your prescription has such a medication listed, increase your fluid intake. Image Courtesy: Getty



Carbohydrates are stored along with fluids inside the body. Reducing carbohydrates intake may reduce the water weight of the body which can even reach levels lower enough to cause dehydration. Image Courtesy: Getty

Excessive Exertion

Excessive Exertion

Every physical activity results in sweating, which is loss of fluid from the body. Exerting a lot of pressure on yourself during summer can be dangerous, causing dehydration. Therefore, keep rehydrating yourself by taking water-breaks in between. Image Courtesy: Getty



Direct exposure to the sun naturally causes one to perspire more. When you perspire more you tend to lose more fluids from your body and thus, become dehydrated. It is better to stay indoors during summer afternoons when the temperature is way too high. Image Courtesy: Getty  
