Emotions can be confusing. Are you wondering whether you're just sad or is it something serious? Let's see how depression differs from sadness.
Depression is a serious mood disorder. While sadness is one element of it, there are other several symptoms that come by.
Sadness is an emotional reaction to some negative event in our life. It usually dampens with the course of time.
The Difference
Sadness is temporary. It can be quickly relieved by external circumstances. Depression is prolonged and overwhelming.
Loss of interest
If you have lost interest in things you greatly enjoyed, then it can be a sign of depression.
Eating pattern
Depression alters your eating habits. You may want to not eat at all or you eat too much but feel nothing.
Unmanageable emotions
Depression involves not only sadness, but also irritability, anger, apathy, and hollowness.
Suicidal Thoughts
This is a giveaway sign that differentiates depression from sadness. The thoughts of ending it all will flood your mind.
Depression is a serious illness and it should be timely treated with the help of medical professionals.