Article in ayurvedic-remedies-to-treat-stomach-pain
5 Benefits Of Rosemary For Hair Growth And Ways To Use It
Incorporating rosemary into your hair care routine is a natural and affordable way to promote hair growth. Read ahead to know.
Headache Due To Heat: Here’s How You Can Deal It With These Home Remedies
The high heat and temperature can lead to dehydration and cause headaches, also known as heat-induced headaches.
Is Your Baby Dealing With Constipation? Try These Home Remedies
Infant constipation is when a baby has difficulty passing stools or has infrequent bowel movements. It can be caused by diet, dehydration, etc.
यूरिक एसिड कम करने के लिए ऐसे करें हल्दी का सेवन, तेजी से मिलेगा फायदा
Benefits Of Turmeric To Reduce Uric Acid: यूरिक एसिड कंट्रोल करने के लिए हल्दी का सेवन फायदेमंद होता है, जानें इसका सही तरीका।
Get Away With Bloating With These Ayurvedic Remedies
Bloating is a digestive disorder caused by factors, such as overeating or improper digestion. You can use these Ayurvedic remedies to have relief.
Varicose Veins: आयुर्वेद में वैरिकोज वेन्स (उभरी नीली नसों) का इलाज कैसे किया जाता है? आयुर्वेदाचार्य से जानें
पैरों में उभरी हुई नसें दिखाई देने पर आप इसे अनदेखा न करें। यह वैरिकोज वेन्स की समस्या हो सकती है।
From Oil Pulling to Aromatherapy: 7 Ways to Boost Your Self-Care Routine with Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil can prove to be a miracle ingredient in your self-care routine, and boost your beauty and overall well being.
Morning Sickness During Pregnancy: 7 Tips For Effective Relief
Experiment with these tips to discover which ones bring you the most relief. Read ahead to know more.
Pain Management: 9 Tips To Relieve Nerve Twitching
Fortunately, there are several strategies you can employ to manage and alleviate nerve twitching. Read ahead to know more.
Can Ayurveda Manage Diabetes? Here's How It Can Help You
Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes promotes a holistic approach to managing this chronic condition. Read ahead to know.