अक्सर लोगों के सोके उठने के बाद कमर दर्द या गर्दन में दर्द होने लगता है, लेकिन इसका कारण उनके सोने का तरीका या शरीर के किसी एक भाग पर दबाव पड़ना हो सकता है।
At times we complain about back pain and we are clueless about the reason. Little did we know that even your home can cause us to have severe back pain.
Back pain may seem to hurt for eternity once it begins. A painkiller may be the best remedy you can use at such a time but, all these are temporary solutions lead to a gigantic trouble.
Although back pain is a common problem so much so that 80 percent of people experience back pain at some point, but sometimes back pain is your body’s way of telling that something is off.