Article in infants
Force Feeding or Pressure To Eat: Expert Explains Correct Way To Feed A Child
Given that children's stomachs are smaller than adults, read on to know expert advice on how to feed a child.
Breastfeeding And Allergies: Understanding The Possible Allergies That Infants May Get
Infants may catch allergies even during breastfeeding. Mothers need to be aware and take certain steps to keep babies safe.
World Breastfeeding Week 2023: Date, Theme, History And Significance
World Breastfeeding Week serves as a crucial platform to emphasise the significance of breastfeeding for the well-being of infants, and mothers.
What Moisturisers Are Safe For Babies? Expert Explains
As baby skin is delicate and may show signs of being sensitive, it is imperative to take utmost care of their skincare regime from the start.
First Time Mothers' Guide: Infant Summer Health Problems, Prevention & Treatment
Read ahead to know some common summer health problems in infants and what you can do to prevent and treat them.
7 Food Combinations That Are Bad For Infants
While there are many healthy and delicious foods that infants can enjoy, it is important to be mindful of the food combinations that should be avoided.
New Drug Reduces Symptoms Of Eczema By 75% In Infants And Children
The new treatment can reduces the signs and symptoms of eczema by as much as 75 percent.
6 महीने के बाद शिशु को खिलाना शुरू कर दें ये 5 सॉलिड फूड्स, संपूर्ण विकास में मिलेगी मदद
6 महीने के बाद से बच्चे को थोड़ा ठोस अनाज देना शुरू करना चाहिए, जिससे उसका शारीरिक और मानसिक विकास बेहतर ढंग से हो सके।
Expert Tips To Prevent Water-Borne Diseases In Infants
Like adults, infants can also get affected by a number of water-borne diseases. Here are some tips to prevent them.
बच्चों के मल में खून क्यों आता है? जानें इसके लक्षण, कारण और इलाज
बच्चे के मल में ब्लड आने के बहुत से कारण हो सकते हैं। इसलिए माता-पिता का पहले कारण जानना जरूरी है।