Article in leukaemia
World Lymphoma Day 2023: Expert Shares Key Differences Between Lymphoma And Leukaemia
Two commonly confused forms of cancer are lymphoma and leukaemia, as they both affect the blood and immune system.
Leukaemia Symptoms ल्यूकेमिया (खून के कैंसर) के लक्षण क्या हैं? डॉक्टर से जानें ये कितने प्रकार के हो सकते हैं
कुछ लोगों को थकान और हाथ-पैरों में दर्द रहता है। अगर आपको भी लंबे समय से ऐसे लक्षण दिखाई दे रहे हैं तो यह ल्यूकेमिया हो सकता है।
Childhood Leukaemia: Types, Symptoms, and Treatment
Childhood leukaemia is a challenging disease that requires prompt diagnosis and specialised treatment.
Down Syndrome Awareness Month: Why Are Children With Down's Syndrome More Prone To Leukaemia?
Children with down syndrome are more prone to leukaemia. Our expert explains why along with its symptoms and treatment.
From Children To Adults: Signs & Symptoms Of Leukaemia According To Age
Leukemia is a serious condition that can be prevented with timely diagnosis. Watch out for these potential symptoms.
बच्चाें में ल्यूकेमिया कैंसर के लक्षण, कारण और बचाव टिप्स
Leukaemia or Blood Cancer : बच्चाें में ब्लड कैंसर बेहद आम है। लाखाें बच्चे हर साल इस बीमारी से अपनी जान गंवाते हैं।
Risk of Blood Cancer Is Higher In Children With Down Syndrome: Study
Kids with down syndrome are highly likely to get leukaemia. Parents should be watchful towards the potential symptoms.
World Blood Cancer Day 2020: Understanding Leukaemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma And Its Warning Signs
Almost every form of blood cancer has similar symptoms and can be challenging to treat if not diagnosed on time.
Dear women, here are 5 signs of Leukaemia you probably don't know but should
You are very likely to be familiar with the term Leukaemia and equally likely to be unaware of the symptoms of this disease. Here are the 5 common signs of Leukaemia that you must know.
Causes of Infection in Leukaemia Patients
Infections are a potential threat to the well-being of a patient, who is suffering from leukaemia. Moreover, it leads to various other health problems and complicate their condition.