Article in malnutrition
Bone Health In Children: Impact Of Malnutrition And Vitamin D Deficiency
The effect of malnutrition and not getting enough vitamin D on a child's bone health is a big deal and can cause problems that last a long time.
Nutrition Week 2023: Consuming Zinc-Rich Foods Can Help Your Child Combat Malnutrition
Children living in metro cities, with ample access to quality food, and a healthy looking appearance, might be suffering from malnutrition as well.
National Nutrition Week 2023: Malnutrition Rising In Indian Women, Share Experts At Poshan Summit 2023
Recognising and addressing the challenges faced by women to meet their nutrient requirements is essential to ensure they have a healthier future.
National Nutrition Week 2023: Date, Theme, History, And Significance
On National Nutrition Week 2023, let us find out the origin of the celebration, its significance, and the theme of this year’s initiative.
PCOS Management: Role Of Keto Diet For Managing PCOS
The keto diet has shown promise as a potential tool for managing PCOS symptoms, particularly concerning weight management. Read ahead to know.
How Healthy Is A Ketogenic Diet
It may be a challenge to follow a keto diet but it allows people following it to eat many nutritious foods.
Expert Talk: India Aims To Drastically Reduce Cases Of Undernutrition By 2030
India carries the heavy burden of undernutrition. Read ahead to know how India aims to drastically reduce cases of undernutrition.
इन 4 तरह की होती है कुपोषण की समस्या, जानें कैसे होती है इसकी शुरुआत?
Malnutrition in Hindi: भोजन में पोषक तत्व की पर्याप्त मात्रा न होने से कुपोषण का खतरा रहता है, जानें कितने तरह का होता है कुपोषण?
हाथों-पैरों में झनझनाहट किस विटामिन कमी से होती है? जानें इसके स्रोत
Vitamin Deficiency Cause Tingling: हाथ-पैरों में झुनझुनी या झनझनाहट पोषक तत्वों की कमी के कारण भी हो सकती है, जानें कैसे करें विटामिन की कमी दूर।
Researchers Discover A New Diabetes Type, Named it ‘Malnutrition-Related Diabetes’
Scientists have identified ‘Malnutrition-Related Diabetes’ which is a third type of diabetes affecting millions of people.