Article in sleeping-disorder
Finding It Difficult To Get Out Of Bed In The Morning? Expert Suggests You Might Have Dysania
People who experience dysania often feel a sense of overwhelming tiredness, fatigue, or a lack of motivation upon waking up.
मेंटल डिसऑर्डर और रेयर डिजीज पर बनी हैं ये 5 बॉलीवुड फिल्में, देखकर बीमारियों से लड़ने में मिलेगी मदद
बॉलिवुड में कुछ फिल्में हैं, जो मेंटल डिसऑर्डर के साथ ही रेयर डिजीज के मुद्दे को उठाती और उन्हें दर्शाती हैं। आइये जानते हैं इन फिल्मों के बारे में।
Researchers Finds AI-based Blood Test To Predict Alzheimer Risk Up to 20 Years In Advance
Although Alzheimer's currently lacks a cure, researchers point out that identifying Alzheimer's risk two decades in advance may enhance outcomes.
Mania vs Hypomania: Expert Shares Key Differences Between These Mood Disorders
If your state of hypomania has not subsided by the fourth day, that means the onset of mania is upon you.
Love Staying Up At Night? Study Reveals You Have A Higher Chance Of Getting Diabetes
The participants who reported staying up at night exhibited a 54% higher likelihood of having an unhealthy lifestyle compared to the ‘early birds.
गंदे तकिए पर सो जाते हैं तो न करें ये गलती, जान लें इससे होने वाले 5 नुकसान
गंदे तकिए पर सोने के कारण कई तरह की स्वास्थ्य से जुड़ी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। इसमें स्किन से लेकर सांस संबंधी परेशानियं शामिल हैं।
किसी करीबी से दूर होने का डर बढ़ा सकता है Separation Anxiety Disorder का खतरा, जानें क्या है यह समस्या
Separation Anxiety Disorder: सेपरेशन एंग्जायटी डिसऑर्डर एक प्रकार की मानसिक स्थिति है, जिसमें व्यक्ति को किसी अपने से दूर होने का डर सताने लगता है।
New Research Suggests ADHD Can Be A Significant Risk Factor For Various Mental Health Issues
The study sheds light on the connections between psychiatric disorders among individuals with ADHD to address associated mental health risks.
Mahira Khan Shares Her Battle With Manic Depression: Important Symptoms To Recognise
She has been managing this condition with anti-depressants for several years, emphasising the importance of mental health awareness.
From Weight Gain To Indigestion, Side Effects Of Sleeping Right After Eating
Late night binge eating is something we all have done, but is it healthy to hit the bed straight after? An expert shares insights