Article in stress
कई गंभीर बीमारियों का कारण बन सकती स्ट्रेस ईटिंग? जानें इसके कारण और बचाव के तरीके
Stress Eating: अक्सर तनाव के दौरान हमें भूख ज्यादा या कम लगने लगती है, जिसे स्ट्रेस ईटिंग कहा जाता है। आइये जानें यह कैसे नुकसानदायक है।
Natural Ways To Reduce Cortisol Levels And Manage Stress
Feeling stressed? Here’s its relationship with cortisol, also known as steroid hormone, and ways to reduce it.
Gut Health: Signs That Your Gut Indicates If You Eat Something Unhealthy
Your gut is an accurate indicator of your dietary choices. Read on to know about the signs that your gut indicates if you eat something unhealthy.
Exam Tips: एग्जाम के प्रेशर को कम करने के लिए अपनाएं ये 5 जरूरी टिप्स, मेंटली रहेंगे स्ट्रॉन्ग
एग्जाम का स्ट्रेस लेने से आपकी तैयारी का शिड्यूल खराब हो सकता है।
From Burning Calories To Stress Relief: Here're The Health Benefits Of Daily Skipping Rope Workouts
Skipping rope is a lightweight piece of equipment, which helps maintain your health, such as cardiovascular fitness and bone density.
Grief's Silent Toll: Here's How It Can Affect Your Body
Grief is a multifaceted experience that doesn't just affect your emotions. It can take a toll on your physical health in surprising and strange ways.
What Causes Heart Palpitations? How Seriously It Can Affect Your Health
Heart palpitations are the sensation that your heart is missing beats, speeding, or beating. Read on to know how seriously it can affect your heart.
How To Begin Your Day With Yoga And Meditation, Actress Vani Kapoor Shares Her Mantra
With a few simple stretches and moments of meditation each morning, you can elevate your day and shine as brightly as Vaani Kapoor herself.
Cortisol Hormone: शरीर में कोर्टिसोल हार्मोन बढ़ने पर अपनाएं ये 5 टिप्स, स्ट्रेस और चिंता होगी दूर
कोर्टिसोल हार्मोन बढ़ने पर आपको तनाव महसूस हो सकता है। इस कंट्रोल करने के लिए आप इन टिप्स को फॉलो करें।
From Eating Healthy Fats To Managing Stress, Tips To Maintain Cholesterol Level
By adopting these given tips into your daily routine, you can take control of your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart disease.