Article in study खराब लाइफस्टाइल से युवाओं में बढ़ सकता है डिमेंशिया का खतरा, जानें बचाव के तरीके सोडा पीने से सिर्फ डायबिटीज या मोटापा नहीं, डिप्रेशन का भी बढ़ता है जोखिम, नई स्टडी में खुलासा क्या चीनी का ज्यादा सेवन करने से अल्जाइमर रोग का जोखिम बढ़ता है? जानें दोनों में संबंध ज्यादा चीनी खाने से सिर्फ मोटापा ही नहीं बढ़ता है। यह अल्जाइमर रोग का कारण भी बन सकता है। Which Is Better, Needle Free Injection Or Needle Injection? ICMR Study Answers ICMR scientists wanted to see whether needless systems work as well as regular needles for administering a COVID-19 vaccine. आदतों में सुधार करने से कम होता है डिप्रेशन, इन 5 हेल्दी हैबिट्स को करें डेली रूटीन में शामिल: Study हाल ही में हुई एक स्टडी से पता चलता है कि आदतों में सुधार लाने से डिप्रेशन की समस्या को कम किया जा सकता है। Your Cough Sound Can Tell You If You Have Severe COVID Infection: Study A study led by IBEC and Hospital del Mar found that cough sound in COVID patients could be an easier way to detect severe COVID. World Alzheimer’s Day 2023: Study Reveals How Daily Exercise Can Help You Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease Exercising triggers Irisin, a hormone that aids in slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. The Best Type Of Exercise To Lower Blood Pressure As Per A Study A new study has found the best type of exercise to lower blood pressure levels. The good news is it does not require too much moving. Your Snacking Choices Can Make or Break Your Health, Here's What The Study Suggests This research underscores that the choices we make in our snacking habits have profound implications for our health. Read on. New Study Suggests Morning Workouts May Aid Weight Loss The study revealed that morning exercisers were often older and predominantly white and female, with college degrees and healthier habits overall. Can COVID Vaccines Increase The Risk Of Heart Attack? Study Offers Answers The efficacy of COVID vaccines has been debated since they first arrived on the scene, as many credible studies proved its ill effects on the heart. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next MORE FOR YOU Does Your Child Have Dry Eyes? Here Is How You Can Help Them Get Relief 5 Benefits Of Rosemary For Hair Growth And Ways To Use It Migraine: Expert Lists Various Factors That Can Trigger Chronic Migraine Attacks Can These 5 Transformative Habits Boost Your Mental Strength? Know Here Heart Failure During Or After Pregnancy: Expert Explains Peripartum Cardiomyopathy, Its Symptoms And Treatment Cancer Screening: Expert Explains Modern Health Solutions