Pregnancy needs planning as not everyone is as lucky as a select few. In this article, you will learn about the right time to increase your chances.
Getting pregnant is an important milestone in a woman’s life. For some, it is a matter of chance, while for others, it happens after intense planning and consultation with doctors. If you’re someone who is enthusiastic about the idea of parenthood and wants to conceive, this article will discuss how you can improve your chances. In an interaction with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Jyoti Tripathi, IVF Specialist, Nova IVF Fertility, Indore, shares factors that come into play when planning a pregnancy and when is the best time to get pregnant.
“The decision to have children is very personal and is influenced by several factors such as lifestyle preferences, health considerations, and personal circumstances,” says Dr Tripathi, adding that many things need to be kept in mind when planning for a pregnancy. Some of these factors include:
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Age: Women are most fertile between the ages of 20-30. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, as you age, your ovaries and the eggs inside them age simultaneously. While you may not see or feel these changes, they happen faster than you may think.
Dr Tripathi says, “After the age of 30, fertility begins to fall gradually, and after the age of 35, it declines more quickly as the ovarian reserve depletes with time. Maternal and foetal risks can rise with advanced maternal age, which is typically classified as 35 years and above.”
Health: Both couples should be in good physical and mental condition when planning for pregnancy. Fertility and pregnancy outcomes can be heavily impacted by chronic health disorders, STDs, and mental health issues.
Financial stability: Taking care of a child comes with financial obligations. It is important for couples to have financial planning and goals which assist you in supporting your child.
Lifestyle changes: Habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs can have a negative effect on fertility and a foetus's health. Prior to attempting for a baby, start living a healthy lifestyle.
Apart from the above-mentioned factors, timing also plays a key role in facilitating positive pregnancy outcomes.
“Knowing your menstrual cycle and recognising your fertile window, meaning when ovulation takes place, will help you improve your chances of getting pregnant,” says Dr Bansal, adding, “To track your cycle, there are numerous tools, applications, and techniques accessible.”
The doctor explains, “The first day of your period marks the start of your menstrual cycle, which lasts until the first day of your subsequent period. When an egg is released from your ovaries during ovulation, which typically happens 12-14 days before the start of your next period, you are most fertile this time. Your chances of becoming pregnant are highest at this time of the month.”
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Remember, the life of sperm in vagina is around 3-5 days following sex. The egg survives only for 12-24 hours after ovulation. Therefore, you have a probability of becoming pregnant if you have intercourse during this fertile window just prior to or at the time of ovulation.
Speak to an obstetrician or gynaecologist or a reproductive expert, who can offer you tailored advice based on your medical background, present health condition and desired outcomes.
Furthermore, understand the impact of your age on your plans to conceive, the status of your ovarian reserve, the semen parameters of the male partner and more.
The most important thing is to determine the ideal moment for you and your partner based on your specific circumstances. Keep in mind that there is no universally "best" time to become pregnant, the doctor concludes.
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