4 Yoga Asanas To Lower High Cholesterol

Over time, these practices, along with yoga, can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Read ahead.

Tanya Srivastava
Written by: Tanya SrivastavaUpdated at: Sep 05, 2023 17:27 IST
4 Yoga Asanas To Lower High Cholesterol

Onlymyhealth Tamil

High cholesterol levels can significantly increase the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. While medications can help manage cholesterol levels, incorporating yoga into your routine can be a complementary approach to promote heart health. Yoga not only reduces stress but also improves circulation and encourages a healthier lifestyle. 

Yoga Asanas To Lower High Cholesterol

Here are a few yoga asanas (poses) that may help lower high cholesterol:

1. Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

  • Stand with your feet about three feet apart.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height.
  • Bend at your hips to the right, keeping your left arm extended, and your right hand touching your right ankle or the floor.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to one minute, then switch sides.
  • This asana helps stretch and strengthen the spine, reducing cholesterol buildup.
  • Yoga Asanas To Lower High Cholesterol

2. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)

  • Sit with your legs extended straight in front of you.
  • Bend your right knee, placing your right foot outside your left thigh.
  • Twist your torso to the right, placing your left elbow outside your right knee.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to one minute, then switch sides.
  • This asana stimulates the abdominal organs, aiding digestion and promoting cholesterol balance.

3. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart.
  • Lift your hips off the ground while keeping your feet and shoulders on the floor.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply.
  • Bridge pose helps strengthen the core and open the chest, potentially reducing cholesterol level.
Yoga Asanas To Lower High Cholesterol

4. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

  • Kneel on the floor with your knees hip-width apart.
  • Tuck your toes under and lift your hips.
  • Reach back one hand at a time to grasp your heels.
  • Open your chest and arch your back gently.
  • Hold for 30 seconds to one minute.
  • Camel pose can improve circulation and reduce stress, both of which contribute to healthy cholesterol levels.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have existing health conditions. Yoga should complement other heart-healthy habits, such as a balanced diet and regular exercise. Over time, these practices, along with yoga, can help you maintain healthy cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.
