Breaking the ice and getting your audience to join in, right from the word go, will help kick off any meeting or class in the right way. We’ve put together a list of different icebreakers; everything from thoughtful questions to humorous reflections have been designed to help break down the initial barrier that often separates audience and presenter.
What’s more, you can add any of the embedded templates directly to your Mentimeter account, so you can focus on creating great content for your presentations and workshops that your audience will love!
Introductory icebreakers work best when presenting to a crowd you are not familiar or only slightly familiar with. For example, if you are speaking at a conference, to a new group of students at the start of term, or you just started a new job and need to run your very first presentation.
Start with some really easy icebreakers that don’t require too much thinking to get your audience's brains in gear (add a little humour for extra effect).
These icebreakers work great no matter who the audience is. When speaking in front of a group many will try to open with a joke of some sort but stress about what exactly they should say and if anyone will actually laugh. These icebreakers remove that dilemma as they have been designed to add some brevity without the need to come up with the guts of a stand up routine.
If you’re presenting in front of a large audience at a conference, make sure your ice breakers are relevant to the event. Simple closed-end questions, rather than open-ended ones, will generate plenty of responses with less need for moderation. Also, don’t be scared to throw in some elements of fun, this will help your audience engage with one another as well as with you.
Using an icebreaker to start a new year or to introduce a new topic can be a nice way of gathering your students' opinions and listening to what they have to say. Moreover, from the outset you are highlighting that your classes and lectures will be an interactive and engaging experience, unlike others they may be used to.
Bring your team closer together and make them a more efficient and cohesive machine. Great team building is all about interpersonal relationships, these icebreakers will help get your team in the right frame of mind.
Certain presentations require the audience to think outside of the box and come up with really unique and creative ideas. Good facilitators know exactly what they need to ask and what buttons they need to push in order to help get those creative juices flowing. So a creative icebreaker can fit perfectly into this plan.
If you\re going to ask a question, why not ask one with the right answer. Many of us have a bit of a competitive spirit so what better way could there be to liven up the start of your next presentation than by tapping into that competitiveness. There’s plenty of fun facts, insightful trivia, and enjoyable brain twisters out there for you to choose from but we have put together some of our favorites here.
A classic, and effective, way of breaking these ice at any type of occasion can be to play small and enjoyable games. Games can be a good way to get people chatting, having some fun, and interacting with one another to start a meeting, presentation, or class. These types of icebreakers can, thus, be ideal for more dynamic and energetic sessions.
Now that you have started your presentation on the right note you can go ahead and get along with presenting that all important information, gathering great insights from colleagues or students, and impressing with your presentation skills. To make presentations a better and more enjoyable experience for everyone involved, Mentimeter brings the power of interaction and engagement. Try it out today and see what it can do for you and your audience.
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