What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you see grey hair? Seeing even a single grey hair can cause a little panic. You might think plucking it is the solution, but hold on. Do you know if plucking grey hair turns the rest of your hair grey? Or is it just another myth? We spoke to Dr Alekya Singapore, Dermatologist and Cosmetologist, Founder, The Skin Sensé, Skin and Hair Clinics, who explained if hair plucking turns the rest of hair grey and if is it fine to do so.
Why Does Hair Turn Grey?
First, let us understand why hair turns grey. The colour of our hair is determined by a pigment known as melanin. As we age, our bodies produce less melanin, causing hair to lose colour and turn grey or white.
Genetic Influence
Dr Singapore said, “When it comes to the timing of when you will start to see grey hair, genetics plays an important role. If your family has a history of early greying, there is a higher chance that you'll follow the same path. This is because the age at which your hair starts to turn grey is linked to your genetics.” In short, it's your genes that dictate this process, not the act of plucking a single grey hair. So, whether you pluck or not, the onset of grey hair is primarily determined by your genetic blueprint.
Stress And Grey Hair
According to Harvard Health Publishing, stress cannot alter the colour of individual hair strands, however, it can induce a prevalent condition called telogen effluvium. This accelerates hair shedding to approximately three times the normal rate. Fortunately, this condition does not lead to baldness since the hair eventually regrows. However, for middle-aged individuals experiencing accelerated hair loss and regeneration due to stress, the regrown hair may potentially be grey instead of its original colour.
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Plucking Grey Hair Turn Rest Grey: The Myth
The idea that plucking one grey hair can turn others grey is simply a myth. Dr Singapore said, “Each hair follicle operates independently, adhering to its unique genetic instructions and responding to ageing factors. When you pluck a single grey hair, it doesn't possess any magical ability to influence the neighbouring follicles. Each hair follicle functions independently, determining the colour of the hair it produces without any direct impact from its neighbouring follicles. Plucking one grey hair won't set off a chain reaction, as the greying process is an individual and genetically determined journey for each strand.”
Consequences of Plucking Grey Hair
Dr Singapore emphasised, “While plucking one grey hair won't have any effect on the colour of the rest of the hair, it is important to note that it's not entirely consequence-free. Repeatedly plucking grey hairs can damage the hair follicle, which may result in thinner hair over time. So, while it won't trigger a widespread greying effect, excessive plucking can negatively impact the overall health and thickness of your hair in the long run.”
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What Are The Alternatives?
If grey hair bothers you, consider alternative approaches rather than plucking. Dr Singapore said, “Hair dyes, for example, are effective in covering grey hair and restoring your natural colour, at least temporarily. These products offer a quick and efficient way to maintain your preferred shade without the risks of plucking.” Moreover, there are specialised hair care products that enhance the appearance and health of grey hair. These products not only help maintain the vibrancy of grey hair but also keep them healthy.
Dr Singapore concluded, “When dealing with grey hair, remember that plucking one won't turn the others grey. Grey hair is part of ageing, guided by your genes and melanin. Instead of plucking, explore safe ways to embrace or restore your natural colour. Your choice should be based on personal preference, not the myth of turning your whole head grey through plucking, a belief that belongs in the past.”
[Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is shared by a registered medical professional and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult your expert if you are dealing with any hair-related issues.]